The Assignment
Currently, water is pumped from Toverud into a tunnel up to Kattås, where the water is disinfected before being distributed through the pipeline network. The new facility, located in the rock next to the existing facility at Kattås, will use raw water from Holsfjorden and have a capacity of 80,000 cubic meters per day. The mountain facility will consist of a chemical hall, filter hall, chlorination and UV disinfection, as well as a clean water reservoir. Additionally, a 4.5-kilometer sewage pipeline will be established from Kattås to Billingstad.
The Solution
Norconsult has provided expertise in all consulting disciplines throughout the conceptual design, preliminary design, and the ongoing detailed project. The conceptual design involved evaluating different locations, while the preliminary design included process assessments, site selections, geotechnical investigations, sustainability evaluations such as life cycle analysis, life cycle costs, and the development of a regulatory plan with impact assessments.
Based on sustainability evaluations, a process has been designed where a significant portion of the water from the flushing process and filtration is returned to the inlet.
The project is being designed and constructed as a fully integrated BIM (Building Information Modeling) project with an extensive level of concurrent design in a digital twin of the upcoming facility, along with frequent exchange of digital data and reviews of the planned facility between the design team and the client. The operations team has also conducted reviews of the planned facility in Virtual Reality (VR). BIM forms the basis for both the bidding process and the execution of contract work, replacing traditional drawings.
The waterworks aims to deliver safe and high-quality drinking water in a sustainable manner. The project incorporates innovative solutions in collaboration with suppliers and universities to further develop the water industry.
The project has been selected as the winner of the 2023 Autodesk Design & Make Award for 'Best Infrastructure Project' in Architecture, Engineering & Construction
- Autodesk
Christian Serck-Hanssen
Senior Prosjektleder
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