Norconsult is highly committed to protecting the environment and biodiversity in the projects we are involved in and works in accordance with the principles of the mitigation hierarchy, where environmental impact is sought to be minimised throughout the process through the four steps of avoidance, mitigation, restoration, and compensation. Our environmental advisors therefore actively participate in all parts of the interdisciplinary planning and design work to contribute to finding the best solutions for both the environment and the customer.
Our employees participate in national surveys and monitoring programs such as Nature in Norway (NiN) and area-representative nature monitoring (ANO) on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet) and are represented, among other things, in the national red list committee for lichens. Norconsult strives to develop experts in most fields of biology and has, among other things, employed highly skilled botanists, mycologists, lichen specialists, ornithologists, vegetation ecologists and landscape ecologists.
Torgeir Isdahl
Team Leader Terrestrial Biodiversity
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