
Snøhvit Future Project

The Snøhvit Future Project is an important national project involving investments of NOK 13.2 billion. The project aims to increase gas production from the Snøhvit field through onshore compression, as well as reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by electrification of the Melkøya plant.

Project name

Snøhvit Future Project


Aibel (Equinor)



Time span

2022 to 2027

Key figures

  • Investments of NOK 13.2 billion. 

  • Electrification of the LNG plant will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 850,000 tons of CO2 annually.

  • Interdisciplinary project involving more than 20 disciplines.

The Snøhvit Future Project is an important national project involving investments of NOK 13.2 billion. The project aims to increase gas production from the Snøhvit field through onshore compression, as well as reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by electrification of the Melkøya plant. A compressor will be installed at Melkøya, which will help maintain sufficient pressure for the Hammerfest LNG plant when the pressure in the reservoirs becomes low. In addition, the power supply to the LNG plant will be switched from gas turbines to electricity from the grid. Electrification of the LNG plant will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 850,000 tons of CO2 annually. This corresponds to about two percent of Norway's total emissions.

This is a strengthening of the plant that ensures extended lifespan and production towards 2050.
Equinor awarded Aibel the EPCI contract which includes onshore compression and electrification for Snøhvit. Norconsult is a subcontractor to Aibel and is responsible for the design of all civil works and other related works. For Norconsult this is a significant interdisciplinary assignment involving more than 20 disciplines. More than 170 Norconsult employees are involved in the assignment, from in total 20 Norconsult offices.

In addition to detail engineering, Norconsult has twelve field engineers at the Melkøya site, following up the civil construction work.

  • Gisle H. Fagerlid

    Head of Oil and Gas department

  • Jon Christian Hokaasen

    Project Director, Snøhvit Future Project

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    Interdisciplinary collaboration