Tanzania has reasonably good wind and solar resources that may support expansion of the electricity supply system. At the same time, the system is relatively weak and, in many places, consist of long, radially operated transmission lines. Integrating highly intermittent generation like solar PV plants and wind farms may therefore cause problems with voltage control and power frequency regulation.
The transmission system in Tanzania is mainly fed from a few hydropower stations in the central part of the country and gas-fired power plants located in Dar es Salaam. Key wind and solar power projects considered for implementation are located in areas relatively far from these main power station. The storage capacity of the hydropower stations and the relatively high ramp rates for these plants as well as for a number of gas turbines in operation on the system, allow for considerable integration of intermittent renewables though. Through studies carried out in PSS/E – based on updating and expanding TANESCO’s PSS/E model for the grid – Norconsult demonstrated the grid impact of a number of VRE projects and also gave guidance on the overall level of VRE that may practically be implemented on the system. Future stronger integration with neighbouring power system in for instance Kenya and Zambia may allow for considerable increase in the level of renewables on the system.
Per Morten Heggli
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