Green ammonia: Feasibility study on ammonia storage and water desalination

Norconsult has performed a feasibility study on the establishment of a green ammonia storage and offloading terminal in Norway. The terminal is planned to safely store (in a full containment storage tank), and export liquefied ammonia provided via pipeline by a nearby ammonia production plant. The feasibility study also included seawater desalination at the terminal location and pumping to the hydrogen facility.

Project name

Green ammonia: Feasibility study on ammonia storage and water desalination





Time span


Key figures

Liquid ammonia inflow: 545 tonnes/day Ammonia tank: 25,000 m3 Desalinated water: 180m3/h


Norconsult was engaged by the client to perform an engineering feasibility study on ammonia storage and offloading, and seawater desalination and pumping for a site in Norway.


BIM tools were used to develop an ammonia terminal layout by Norconsult’s multidisciplinary team (process engineering, civil engineering, technical safety, and harbor/jetty engineering). The location of the ammonia storage and offloading terminal, seawater pumping system, desalination plant, jetty, roads, etc. were placed with technical safety, natural hazards, environmental considerations, and engineering requirements in mind.

The ammonia storage system was modeled using process simulations (Unisim) to perform an initial sizing of the ammonia tank axillaries (rotating machinery and liquefaction system). The full containment ammonia storage tank was sized to meet the capacity requirements.

Norconsult provided a technical safety philosophy with a focus on Fire and Gas, safety zones, leakage monitoring, and safety and automation systems.

A high-level concept study for Civil engineering works was conducted to identify the facility’s civil needs for infrastructure, site-prep, off-loading jetty, foundation, and building concepts. This formed the CAPEX basis for the civil and jetty works.

Norconsult performed environmental assessments (ESIA) and fieldwork to investigate potential impacts for the site related to marine and terrestrial biodiversity, water quality, and recreational areas.


Norconsult aided the client in evaluating the feasibility and CAPEX of performing a site preparation for establishing an ammonia storage system, ammonia offloading terminal, and seawater pumping and desalination plant.

  • Dejan Doder


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