Lilongwe Water Board has engaged Norconsult to develop a Dam Safety Management Plan (DSMP) to ensure safe future operations, maintenance and monitoring of both the Kamuzu dams (Dam I and II). The objective of the Dam Safety Management Plan is to protect life, property and the environment from the failure of either of the Kamuzu Dams. This objective can be achieved by implementing and maintaining an appropriate dam safety management program.
The Dam Safety Management Plan includes four distinct but related components. These include an Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan, Operations and Maintenance Plan, Emergency Preparedness Plan, including Dam Break Analysis and finally the overall Dam Safety Management Plan.
The Dam Safety Management Plan for the Kamuzu Dams is based on best practices outlined in various national and international guidelines published by CDA (2013), ANCOLD (2003), FEMA (2004), ICOLD (Bulletins 154, 158) and NVE (2010).
Norconsult has been involved in water supply and water security projects in Malawi for over 30 years and has previously been involved in assessing the Kamuzu Dams as part of the National Water Development Project in 2001.
Øyvind Lier
Teknikområdesansvarig dammar

Daniel Fossberg
Gruppeleder Flomsikring
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