Norconsult assisted Scatec ASA in development of a large-scale green ammonia production facility through pre-feasibility and concept studies intended for a facility in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ) in Egypt. The plant would be one a greenfield site near the existing Port of Ain Sokhna and was designed for annual output of 1 million tons ammonia for the first year. The plant was planned to be powered by new dedicated solar and wind power connected to the Egypt’s electricity grid. The scope included site selection and assisting Scatec in financial modelling of the developed concept.
The project aimed to facilitate establishment of local green industry by offering delivery of competitively priced green hydrogen, -ammonia and renewable energy. However, end-consumers are initially intended to be European importers and later, fueling of ammonia as bunker fuel for ships passing through the Suez Canal
The concept developed by Norconsult included a total renewable capacity of 1.8 GWp Solar PV and 2.0 GW wind, based on Norconsult renewables energy resource assessment – using our proprietary renewable energy green industry modelling tool. This included assessment of how different PV design configurations and wind turbine types affect energy yield. The concept included an installed electrolyser capacity of approx. 1470 MW, including hydrogen buffer storage.
Norconsult’s modelling tool allowed us to establish optimal renewables configuration and optimal sizing of the process plant. Inputs to the model were the operating parameters, capex assumptions and the PV and wind generation profiles. Outputs from the model were MW electrolyzer capacity, MWp PV and wind, tons high pressure hydrogen buffer storage, ton per day ammonia loop capacity, substation rated capacity and tons of ammonia product storage
Based on the optimization model, we established a preliminary hourly (for a typical year) and yearly (over the project lifetime) simulations of energy balance and end product output. Energy balance included energy supply for PV/wind, banking/grid use, excess power and electricity use per key plant component leveraging the sizing and energy modelling.
Norconsult deliverables were among others, box level design, system sizing simulations, preliminary layouts, process flow diagrams, electricity, gas and water flows, CAPEX/OPEX estimates, site selection, financial modelling and calculation of LCOA. Norconsult also assisted on vendor identification and evaluation, cost comparison with other projects, and extensive support on client’s dialogue with Egyptian authorities
Norconsult deliverables has formed the financial and technical basis for project presentations towards the Egyptian authorities, in order to secure a suitable site. Norconsult successfully assisted in the preparation of a comprehensive financial model to assist with estimations of competitive product pricing.

Annette Hultin
Gruppeleder | Prosessindustri
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Interdisciplinary collaboration

Rengård power station

Green hydrogen – Concept study on hydrogen production for maritime use in Kristiansund

Green Hydrogen - Concept Study for containerized hydrogen production plant, Gothenburg

Green Ammonia - Feasibility Study for large-scale ammonia production plant, Sauda