Norconsult assisted Confidential client with development of a green economy concept and business case for discussion with partners and internal approval processes, including preparation of tender documents / bid-books submitted to auctioning authorities in Oman for the Hydrom-auctions. The scope included financial modelling of the developed of the plant concept.
The concept developed included a total renewable capacity of 19GW (100% Solar), based on Norconsult renewables energy resource assessment – using our proprietary renewable energy green industry modelling tool. This included assessment of how different PV design configurations and wind turbine types affect energy yield.
Norconsult’s green industry modelling tool allowed us to establish optimal renewables configuration and optimal sizing of the process plant. Inputs to the model were the operating parameters, capex assumptions and the PV and wind generation profiles. Outputs from the model were MW electrolyzer capacity, MWp PV and wind, tons high pressure H2 buffer storage, ton per day ammonia loop capacity, ton per day e-methanol capacity, ton per day green steel capacity, substation rated capacity and tons of end product storage
Based on the optimization model, we established a preliminary hourly (for a typical year) and yearly (over the project lifetime) simulations of energy balance and end product output. Energy balance included energy supply for PV, banking/grid use, excess power and electricity use per key plant component. Leveraging the sizing and energy modelling, Norconsult provided a high-level layout drawing for the process plant.
Norconsult successfully completed the preparation of a comprehensive financial model in accordance with the requirements of the RFP. This model effectively supported the scenarios of (i) Ammonia for export and/or (ii) hydrogen for industrial purposes, including electricity, H2, green steel, e-Methanol and ammonia supply to a fertilizer industrial plant.
The project sizing offered to the authorities was comprised by a green ammonia facility that will produce 2,360ktpa of green ammonia using 430ktpa of green hydrogen, producing 1,000ktpa of ammonia in the initial phase, and the balance in the end phase. Downstream products included an E-fuel facility (e-methanol/SAF) that will produce 650ktpa of e-methanol or SAF using 126ktpa of green hydrogen. For the purpose of producing locally manufactured green steel, the concept planned to allocate 128ktpa of green hydrogen. This enables production of 2,500ktpa of green steel. Locally produced ammonia nitrate was enabled through hydrogen and ammonia with a production of c. 750ktpa of ammonium nitrate
Interdisciplinary collaboration

CCS - Feasibility study for small-scale CO2 value chain from decarbonization of incineration plant

Green hydrogen – Concept study on hydrogen production for maritime use in Kristiansund

Green Hydrogen - Concept Study for containerized hydrogen production plant, Gothenburg

Green Ammonia - Feasibility Study for large-scale ammonia production plant, Sauda