Norconsult has an independent reporting channel (Norconsult Speak Up) where employees may report breaches, or suspected breaches, of laws, regulations, or Norconsult's Code of Ethics. Employees whom, in good faith, report concerns regarding violations of laws and regulations shall not be subject to sanctions. A whistleblowing case remains confidential and will discreetly and thoroughly be followed up.


A whistleblowing case is registered in Norconsult Speak Up.


Speak Up (


Speak Up is managed by Deloitte Advokatfirma AS (hereafter named Deloitte), on behalf of Norconsult Group. All reports will be taken seriously, and you will receive a confirmation from a lawyer at Deloitte responsible for Norconsult's whistleblowing cases no later than 24 hours after you have submitted the report.