We collaborate across all of Norconsult's interdisciplinary areas, drawing on the breadth of knowledge to maintain a high level of expertise and deliver effective solutions. We work closely with both large and small players across various industries. We use the leading commercial CFD packages ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, and Gexcon’s FLACS as the primary tools in our analyses. Below are some examples of our work.
Aquaculture and marine farming
To achieve and maintain exceptional fish health and welfare, we simulate flow conditions in production facilities within the aquaculture industry. The environment in which the fish swim is defined by the distribution of parameters such as the velocity and direction of the water, the residence time, and the oxygen and particulate content within the volume. We simulate wells and tanks in RAS and process facilities, as well as systems for filtering, purification (MBBR) and sea lice treatment. Our analyses are used both to design new solutions and improve existing ones.

Architecture and Urban Development
Buildings can have a significant impact on wind and how it is experienced in urban environments. We use CFD simulations to conduct wind analyses and assess wind comfort to assist you as an architect or planner in creating sustainable urban areas.
Building facades can draw wind down to street level and accelerate the flow around building corners, creating unwanted speed-up and turbulence. The interaction between multiple buildings that are closely situated can have unexpected consequences, and streets or open passages can act as wind tunnels, even on fine weather days. Such effects can have a significant impact on the usage patterns and the well-being of pedestrians.

Air velocity, temperature, humidity, pollution level, and odor, are examples of important variables that are simulated to ensure sustainable and effective ventilation solutions in both new and existing buildings. The air quality and comfort levels in a building’s indoor and outdoor environments are major contributors to the enjoyment and the energy usage for the duration of that building’s life span. Sustainable solutions can be ensured by assessing and improving the ventilation design, both for mechanically and naturally ventilated areas.

Renewable energy
We contribute to a variety of projects within water-, wind-, and solar energy. One area is simulation and analysis of flow patterns in hydropower. This is important to verify and understand how water moves through complex geometries, both in existing and future facilities. The distribution of water through various types of intakes, channels, branches, and weirs can have a significant impact on the efficiency of turbines or water levels upstream of a power station, for example.

We provide a wide range of simulation services within the scope of technical safety for industrial facilities. Such plants typically use gases and liquids in complex processes, often under high pressure, varying temperatures, and in large quantities. We simulate substances such as CO2, ethanol, LNG, hydrogen, and ammonia to identify the consequences of accidental discharge, particularly when they involve complex thermodynamic, geometrical, or terrain related conditions.

The wind transports, spreads, and dilutes pollutants from traffic, industry, and construction, amongst others. The manner in which such contaminants disperse in the local environment is greatly influenced by the terrain and the buildings across which the wind blows. These are factors that we simulate in detail using CFD. We also simulate emissions in different water systems, such as rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.

The way in which the external environment affects road, railway, and air traffic, as well as the related infrastructure, is also an area where we use CFD simulations to ensure robust solutions. This commonly includes the impact of wind on bridges and airports, and covers both the effects of terrain and building induced turbulence. We use vehicle and train simulations to uncover dynamic conditions that affect the ventilation of tunnels and underground stations, as well as the pressure loads on related technical installations (see also Tunnel ventilation).

We use CFD simulations in conjunction with combustion models to model fires and explosions, in order to assess the safety consequences for users and for the infrastructure. We usually do this in the context of risk analyses and include evaluations of risk- or consequence-reducing measures such as fire and smoke ventilation, or pressure relief surfaces for explosions.

We simulate many different aspects of the processes related to water supply and to wastewater treatment. This includes everything from raw water intake in lakes and reservoirs, through to the various stages in municipal treatment plants. In the former case, we take into account the effect of weather and seasons on the flow pattern (thermocline and deepwater exchange, for example), while in treatment plants we calculate hydraulic profiles, degree of piston flow, mixing, aeration, and sedimentation, amongst others.

Jens W. Bjerkelund
Head of Risk Management

Ane Suleng
Group leader CFD and Applied Fluid Dynamics
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