Norconsult can assist in all phases of a wind power project, including:
- Screening for identification of suitable wind farm sites
- Feasibility studies
- Wind measurements and energy yield assessments
- Technical pre-design
- Impact assessments
- Permit applications
- Preparation of tender documents for various contract types
- Detailed design
- Contracting
- Project and construction management
- Analysis and forecast of risk of ice throw
- Post construction production assessments
- Technical and environmental due diligence (DD) – advice on purchase or sale of wind farms
Norconsult can undertake assessments relevant for decision making in all phases of project development ensuring sustainable solutions and providing useful documentation for the permitting process.
Norconsult can assist with early phase planning of possible wind farms using estimated wind resource data based on our wind models. This provides a good basis on which to continue to the next phases of wind farm development. Furthermore, Norconsult are also able to undertake accurate wind measurements – conforming to international standards – which can be used in detailed yield production assessments. We are recognised by a wide range of banks and financial institutions and have delivered numerous reports for clients, both domestically and internationally.
In parallel with resource mapping, we assist the developer with the preparation of technical pre-design, impact assessments, and license applications under the Energy Act (energiloven). We have in-depth knowledge of the authorities’ requirements and legislation. We also assist with the facilitation and implementation of consultations with the affected public authorities, other organisations and landowners.
Norconsult can also offer assessments of capacity in the existing transmission grid. Where necessary, we can undertake grid connection appraisal and design, along with necessary impact assessments and license applications.
Norconsult can assist with the preparation of Construction and Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) and design manuals for landscape and terrain adaptation. These plans are prepared such that they can be used as part of the tender documentation as well as the contracts with contractors and suppliers. . Clear environmental requirements are crucial to ensure sustainable projects, and these documents often are required by the regulator as part of the licence consent.
Norconsult are leaders in the analysis and mapping of icing in wind farms, and our advanced services help to reduce the uncertainty in energy yield assessments. In addition, we perform detailed and advanced risk analyses for ice throw from wind turbines that follow both international standards and guidelines, as well as local regulations. We offer operational warnings of the risk of ice throw to enable safe operation and use of areas during the winter season.

Øyvind Byrkjedal
Acting Department Manager Kjeller Vindteknikk
Elise Førde
Department Manager – Energy and Environment
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