
Renewable Energy

The Nordic countries need more energy and there must be investments in increased power production. For almost 100 years, Norconsult has been developing the Norwegian power system, and today we have the country's largest team of technical expertise in renewable energy.

We offer these services

Since 1929, Norconsult has been instrumental to the development of Norwegian hydropower and the Norwegian power grid. The goal has always been to contribute with our expertise to offer clean and reliable electrical power to the society. Our role as a key player in the development of the power system means that we know our customers' facilities well and ensure continuity in the industry. 

The reference list of hydropower plants that have been put into operation in recent years is extensive, and we have taken our experience from hydropower to solar power, wind power, and energy storage. We solve assignments in the best possible way to meet your needs, and we care about production, quality, economy and the environment. 

Today, our business includes the entire renewable energy industry, and we collaborate across all our offices and markets, gathering the right experience and expertise for each project. The majority of our co-workers are located in Norway and Sweden, but we are also present in other countries. 

We have expertise in environment and sustainability, machinery, electrical and grid, dams and waterways, building design, as well as project execution and land acquisition. With this range of services, we cover all our customers' needs. 

A strategic area of focus for Norconsult is the development of Norwegian offshore wind, where we aim to take a leading role on the advisory side. We can contribute to strengthening the Norwegian power balance significantly through the development of Norwegian offshore wind farms, and we can help suppliers develop and take important positions in the value chain in Norway and internationally. 

  • Håkon Bergsodden

    EVP Renewable Energy

  • Einar Jones-Kobro

    Head of Market

  • Contact us