Due to the growing demand for metals and minerals, particularly in new energy production and storage, there is an increasing need for exploration and extraction of deposits. At Norconsult, we contribute to the early stages of such projects by conducting impact assessments, environmental assessments, and establishing contact with government entities.
During the production phase, we carefully plan the technical infrastructure, such as buildings, conveyors, water, air, and electrical systems in mining areas and processing plants. Additionally, we design technical support systems for the processing plants, including ventilation and dust removal, to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. Our extensive expertise in material transport and logistics is also applied in our mining industry projects.
Norconsult offers a comprehensive range of engineering disciplines, and our local offices located in all parts of the country provide valuable insights into local conditions, thus ensuring the highest level of service to our clients.

Morten Rimer
Head of local office, Mo i Rana
Åge Antonsen
Head of local office, Kirkenes

Per Espen Kristofersen
Department Manager, Industrial Process and Ventilation
Contact us