Production, storage and transport of hydrogen for the high-speed ferries of the future

Norconsult has conducted a study of hydrogen produced by electrolysis as an alternative fuel for future high-speed ferries in Western Norway. Gasnor is a natural gas company that buys, distributes and sells natural gas to end customers.

Project name

Production, storage and transport of hydrogen for the high-speed ferries of the future


Gasnor AS



Time span



Gasnor investigated the possibility of hydrogen production nearby the sailing pattern for high-speed ferriessailing from Bergen and into the Sognefjord. Two different locations for production were considered. Norconsult carried out a study where production, transport and storage of hydrogen for the two locations were evaluated.


The study included hydrogen production and bunkering logistics with regards to storage volume and travel distance. Both local hydrogen storage and distant hydrogen production, including transportation were evaluated. As part of the study, Norconsult evaluated steel tanks for compressed hydrogen storage. A cost estimate was prepared for both process plants with associated support systems.


Norconsult’s study forms the foundation for further progress in the project. and identifies several points that should be studied further.