Ongoing project: Green Hydrogen – Concept study & client support on hydrogen production plant, Egypt

Norconsult has been engaged in Conceptual study and design of a green hydrogen plant. The plant will produce green hydrogen mainly powered by solar/ wind electricity production, supported by the grid. Green hydrogen will be feed to an existing ammonia/fertilizer plant downstream.

Project name

Green Hydrogen – Concept study & client support on hydrogen production plant





Time span


Key figures

Capacities: o Hydrogen production 43 tons/day o Power requirement < 150 MW



Norconsult was engaged by a client regarding construction of a green hydrogen production plant in Egypt.

The plant will produce green hydrogen mainly powered by solar/ wind farms and supported by the grid. Green hydrogen will be feed to existing ammonia/fertilizer plants downstream


Norconsult offered a complete multidisciplinary team with engineers available 24/7 as sparring partners, and discipline specialists towards vendor and EPC contractor. Particularly the chemical engineering and project management discipline, plus civil, technical safety, power supply (high and medium voltage) and EIT discipline. Comment and evaluate all project drawings and technical specifications. Supply GA and flow diagrams on demand.

Norconsult established initial Design Basis for the entire hydrogen production plant, including the overall estimate on plant efficiency data.

In addition, requisition for purchase (RFP) towards electrolyser vendors and Due Diligence of selected vendor. Master Document Requirement List (complete EPC project, all disciplines).

Technical safety and facilitator in plant HAZID review and site selection evaluations. Company Operations Philosophy with requirements towards interfacing plants.

  • Annette Hultin

    Gruppeleder | Prosessindustri

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