Norconsult assisted GreenH in exploring the possibility of establishing a 24 MW green hydrogen plant with potential for future expansion to 48 MW. The plant's purpose was to supply local consumers through maritime bunkering and/or storage in containers for both sea and land transport. The hydrogen was intended to be produced through water electrolysis, compressed and stored in containers at 350-380 bar.
It was also be assessed whether oxygen from water electrolysis can be liquefied and transported to nearby consumers within the aquaculture industry.
Norconsult's study included concept development of a production facility for hydrogen based on alkaline pressurized electrolysis. This included evaluation of technical concepts for electrolysis, compression and storage, seawater cooling, evaluation of pipelines for hydrogen transport in sea, filling station for hydrogen, as well as liquefaction and transport of oxygen.
The concept development included establishing design basis, technical solution for hydrogen and oxygen production, process flow diagrams, layout drawings, equipment list, load list, as well as calculations related to production and cooling of the process.
Norconsult developed an overall 3D model of the production plant, technical and functional descriptions of the plant equipment, as well as evaluation of CAPEX/OPEX for the plant.
The 3D model has been prepared based on risk and dispersion analysis as well as logistics assessments prepared by Norconsult.
The concept study prepared by Norconsult was used as a basis in GreenH's ENOVA application for funding for the maritime use of hydrogen.

Annette Hultin
Gruppeleder | Prosessindustri
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Interdisciplinary collaboration

Green Ammonia - Feasibility Study for large-scale ammonia production plant, Sauda

CCS – Feasibility study for decarbonization of incineration plant, CO2 export terminal, Risavika

Green ammonia: Feasibility study on ammonia storage and water desalination

CCS - Feasibility study for small-scale CO2 value chain from decarbonization of incineration plant

Green Hydrogen - Concept Study for containerized hydrogen production plant, Gothenburg

Green Ammonia - Feasibility Study for large-scale ammonia production plant, Sauda

CCS – Feasibility study for decarbonization of incineration plant, CO2 export terminal, Risavika

Green ammonia: Feasibility study on ammonia storage and water desalination

CCS - Feasibility study for small-scale CO2 value chain from decarbonization of incineration plant

Green Hydrogen - Concept Study for containerized hydrogen production plant, Gothenburg