CCS - Feasibility study for small-scale CO2 value chain from decarbonization of incineration plant

Norconsult has carried out a feasibility study for the regional incineration plant operated by Forus Energigjenvinning AS, in order to investigate the feasibility of establishing small-scale CO2 value chain for captured CO2 from the plant at Forus Energigjenvinning in Jæren, Norway.

Project name

CCS - Feasibility study for small-scale CO2 value chain from decarbonization of incineration plant


Client: Forus Energigjenvinning AS



Time span


Key figures

• 2500 tons / year • 5000 tons / year • 10000 tons / year • Decarbonization • Logistics solutions • Process simulations


Norconsult assisted Forus Energigjenvinning AS in exploring the feasibility of establishing a small-scale CO2 value chain from the plant biogas production unit. Norconsult scope was to evaluate technical solutions for capture, liquefaction, intermediate storage and transport of CO2.


Norconsult explored and described the logistic value chain for utilization of small-scale CO2.
As part of the study, multiple technology providers for small-scale CO2 capture and liquefaction were assessed and compared. Technical solutions for capture, liquefaction, storage and transport were provided, including evaluations of CAPEX and OPEX for the solutions explored. 

For transport out to the local consumers, road tankers were proposed as the most feasibility solution. Cost estimates for the CO2 logistics using road tankers were developed for several volumes and driving distances. The small-scale CO2 value chain was intended for local consumption of CO2 in greenhouses.

Three different liquefaction concepts for small-scale CO2 were developed and described:

  • 2500 tons / year
  • 5000 tons / year
  • 10000 tons / year


Norconsult's study forms the basis for further planning and investment decisions. Norconsult identified further work to be done during next phase of the project.

  • Annette Hultin

    Gruppeleder | Prosessindustri

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