CCS – Feasibility study for decarbonization of incineration plant, CO2 export terminal, Risavika

Norconsult carried out a feasibility study for the regional incineration plant operated by Forus Energigjenvinning AS, in order to investigate transport and export of captured CO2. A terminal concept was explored at Risavika Port in Norway. The CO2 was intended for ship export to geological storage off the west coast of Norway.

Project name

CCS – Feasibility study for decarbonization of incineration plant, CO2 export terminal, Risavika


Forus Energigjenvinning AS



Time span



Norconsult was engaged by Forus Energigjenvinning to perform a feasibility study on CO2 logistics for transport of liquid CO2 from the incineration plant to the proposed CO2 export terminal. Work included evaluating technical solutions for transport and intermediate storage and transfer of CO2.


Norconsult developed a storage and export terminal concept based on in-house experience and data from similar projects performed by Norconsult in the region.

Three different terminal concepts were developed for intermediate storage before export to ship, with the following terminal storage capacities:

  • 2500 m3
  • 5000 m3
  • 10000 m3

Deliverables were basic layout drawings, functional and technical descriptions, in addition to preliminary cost estimates for the proposed terminal concepts.

Technical safety and assessments of risk factors associated with the handling and transport of CO2 were also described.


The technical feasibility and logistic study were used as basis for applications for CCS funding programs and regional cluster collaborations.

  • Annette Hultin

    Gruppeleder | Prosessindustri

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