Universum 2024: Norconsult named the industry's most attractive employer

The ranking of Norway's most attractive employers among students was announced during the Universum Awards on Thursday 23 May. Around 11,000 students have expressed their opinion and named Norconsult the industry's best consulting company for the third year in a row.

UNIVERSUM: Norconsult named the industry's most attractive employer, from left, Malin Eriksen, Group Manager HR Services, Fredrik Krogh Albertsen, Senior Advisor HR Services, and Marthe Haugen Stranden, Senior Advisor Communication and Brand.
UNIVERSUM: Norconsult named the industry's most attractive employer, from left, Malin Eriksen, Group Manager HR Services, Fredrik Krogh Albertsen, Senior Advisor HR Services, and Marthe Haugen Stranden, Senior Advisor Communication and Brand.

Every year, Universum uncovers Norway's most attractive employers with a survey aimed at students in Norway. This year's survey shows, among other things, that Norconsult is one of the most popular employers at the educational institutions NTNU Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund, as well as NMBU and OsloMet.

Norconsult is ranked as the industry's most attractive employer in the category "Engineering Consulting".

"Every year, we recruit several hundred new employees to Norconsult, many of which have recently graduated, so it is very gratifying that we have such a strong position among the students. The results of the survey are a good confirmation that the way we work with innovative technology and sustainability in our projects, combined with our great work environment, seems to be attractive to the students," says CEO Egil Hogna.

"As we have a desire to constantly improve gender balance in the company, it is also particularly gratifying that this year we are ranked as the country's second most attractive employer among female engineering students," Hogna adds.

2,500 engineering students

In the survey, in which around 2,500 engineering students have participated, attractiveness is measured based on the question "Who is your ideal employer?". Here, Norconsult is ranked number four across all industries, thus maintaining its position on the list only beaten by Equinor, Aker Solutions and Kongsberg Gruppen. At the same time, female engineering students rank Norconsult in second place overall, which is a jump up from last year where they ranked the company as number five.

"We are very proud of this ranking. The fact that we achieve this from year to year shows that what we do hits home, and that the students notice us. The results of the survey are thanks to all Norconsult employees who show commitment and ensure that we are able to reach out to this group of potential employees," says Executive Vice President Communications and Brand, Hege Njå Bjørkmann.

For further information, please contact:

Media: Henrik Charlesen, Senior Communication Advisor, Henrik.Charlesen@norconsult.com

About Norconsult

Norconsult is a leading pan-Nordic interdisciplinary consulting firm combining engineering, architecture and digital expertise across projects of all sizes, for private and public customers in infrastructure, energy and industry, buildings and architecture. Headquartered in Sandvika, Norway, Norconsult’s delivery model is centred around knowledge hubs and local presence through approximately 6,300 employees across around 140 offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Poland and Finland.