three person around a table

Norconsult and Name Changes

In connection with the listing of Norconsult on Oslo Børs, several of the companies within the group have changed their names.

Norconsult Holding AS, the parent company of the Norconsult Group, has changed its name to Norconsult ASA.

In addition, the following name changes have been made:
  • Norconsult AS has changed its name to Norconsult Norge AS.
  • Norconsult AB has changed its name to Norconsult Sverige AB.
  • Norconsult A/S has changed its name to Norconsult Danmark A/S.
  • Norconsult ehf has changed its name to Norconsult Ísland ehf.
  • Norconsult Sp. z. o.o has changed its name to Norconsult Polska Sp. z o.o.

For further information, please contact Karl Kristian Larsen.