"Knowledge grows when it is shared" is the core of the Norconsult event Sustainability Week 2024, where most speakers are our in-house professionals, but also good customers are invited to share their experiences.
Here are five webinars touching on the topic of artificial intelligence (Norwegian and Swedish speech):
- Det grønne skiftet: Kunstig intelligens som katalysator for en dobbel omstilling
- Industri 5.0 - et verktøy for fremtidsrettet industri
- Porfyr: Digital markedsplass for bærekraftig massehåndtering
- Hvordan kunstig intelligens bidrar til ny innsikt om trafikk og byliv: adferdsanalyse av myke trafikanter i Bergen sentrum
- Maskininlärning (KI) för minskat spill i processindustrin