AI central to assess sun, wind and climate conditions

Norconsult's architects from Nordic Office of Architecture won an international architectural competition when they used artificial intelligence (AI) to assess solar, wind and climate conditions for a real estate project in Iceland.

In tough international competition, Nordic Office of Architecture, in collaboration with EFLA, came out on top when the Association of Architects of Iceland and Breið Developmental sought proposals for a new residential and commercial area in western Iceland.

Sustainability and the ability to adapt to climate change were emphasised in the competition.

Design with knowledge

"Using the AI tool Autodesk Forma, the architects at Nordic were able to assess sun, wind and climate conditions and adjust the housing development to achieve the most comfortable and favourable microclimate possible between the buildings. This ensures the best possible sunlight, pleasant wind conditions and the least possible noise from climate conditions," says Jóhanna Helgadóttir, sector leader for Planning at Nordic Office of Architecture in Iceland.

Jóhanna Helgadóttir, sector leader for Planning at Nordic Office of Architecture in Iceland.
Jóhanna Helgadóttir, sector leader for Planning at Nordic Office of Architecture in Iceland.

Akranes, a peninsula west of the capital Reykjavik, extends into the sea, making a favourable microclimate important.

"AI provides us with necessary data, enabling us to design with knowledge. It means that we can explore possibilities of a specific location, and quickly test design options and monitor in real time the environmental, functional and design impacts of each option," says Knut Ramstad, Head of Technology and Sustainability in Nordic Office of Architecture, and professor at NTNU.

Decisions for the entire planning process

Autodesk Forma is a great help when making decisions – from an early stage and throughout the planning process. Simulations influence the design and enable faster decision-making. Nordic primarily used wind, solar and daylight studies, but have also tested the tool against noise, views and floor plans.

One of the most used features is the wind analysis. By using the wind comfort analyses, informed decision can be made about placement of outdoor spaces as well as structuring buildings in a way that does not form strong winds.

The AI tool has been essential in this project as Breið is exposed to strong winds from specific directions. Additionally, Iceland experience limited daylight during the winter, making the daylight considerations important for the design. Moreover, views of both mountains and sea were considered to give increased value for residents.

"Great projects are rooted in great concepts, and such concepts must be developed with extensive knowledge and technical precision. During the early phase, we create project values, such as design qualities, flexibility, sustainability and costs-effectiveness. Increased efficiency and precision during the early phase will lead to improved project performance and greater predictability for coming phases," says Knut Ramstad.

Knut Ramstad, Head of Technology and Sustainability in the Nordic Office of Architecture and professor at NTNU.
Knut Ramstad, Head of Technology and Sustainability in the Nordic Office of Architecture and professor at NTNU.

Valuable support

An important takeaway from the project, was the assurance provided by Autodesk Forma. It gave Nordic’s architects confidence that the proposal would support good microclimate conditions for the development area.

Testing the design was easy, ensuring that the outdoor spaces would have sufficient daylight and were sheltered from the strong winds in the area, while creating a more sustainable society that supports diverse mobility and activity.

Nordic Office of Architecture Island uses Forma in all planning projects. It has been particularly useful for making good decisions at an early stage – a benefit of great value to our customers.

To learn more about Nordic Office of Architecture and Autodesk Forma, visit Autodesk's website
  • Thomas Fløien Angeltveit

    Leader of Digital Transformation

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